
United Grand Lodge of England

The United Grand Lodge of England currently has over two hundred thousand members meeting in 6,800 Lodges. The Haileybury Lodge is one of many Lodges that meet within a ten mile radius of London and is administered by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London. Lodges meeting outside London and within England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, are grouped into 47 Provinces, whose boundaries often correspond to those of the old Counties; many of the Haileybury Lodge members are also active in Lodges across many of these Provinces. Lodges that meet outside England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are grouped into 33 Districts, five Groups (i.e: currently too small to make up a District), and 12 Lodges abroad which are directly administered by Freemasons’ Hall.

Freemasons’ Hall and the Hallstone Jewel

Haileybury Lodge meet at Freemasons’ Hall in London (although occasionally venture back to the school for meetings). This is the headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England and the principal meeting place for Masonic Lodges in London.

Grand Lodge has been in Great Queen Street since 1775, the present Hall being the third building on the site. In 1919, after the First World War, Grand Lodge decided to embark on the building of a new headquarters as memorial to the Freemasons who died in the First World War. An appeal was made to every member of the Constitution for contributions to the fund which, from the target set, came to be known as the Masonic Million Memorial Fund; whilst contributions to this Fund were entirely voluntary, they were recognised by special commemorative jewels. Haileybury Lodge are proud to have been one of the Lodges that contributed to this initiative and are holders of the Hallstone Jewel.

Built between 1927 and 1932, it now stands as one of the finest Art Deco buildings in England, and is now Grade II* listed internally and externally. In addition to the Grand Temple (seating 1,700) there are 21 Lodge Rooms, a Library and Museum, Board and Committee Rooms and administrative offices. The building is fully open to the public and tours are regularly organised.

Old Haileyburian & ISC Lodge

The Lodge was consecrated at Mark Masons' Hall on January 14, 1919 by R.W. Bro. Rt. Hon. T. F. Halsey, P.C., Dep. G.M., Prov. G.M.(Herts.). He was assisted by several brethren across various Provincial Lodges:

  • R.W. Bro. Col. C. W. Napier-Clavering, Prov. G.M. (Northumberland)

  • R.W. Bro. Col. A. C. Hansard, C.M.G., Prov. G.M. (Guernsey and Alderney)

  • R.W. Bro. Rev. Canon H. W. Turner, M.A., P.G. Chaplain, Prov. G.M. (Surrey)

  • V.W. Bro. P. Colville-Smith, M.A., Grand Secretary

  • V.W. Bro. J. S. Granville-Grenfell, M.A., Grand Director of Ceremonies

  • W.Bro. A. Burnett Brown, P.G.D., G. Supt. Works

Our first Master was R.W. Bro. Sir A. Henry McMahon, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., P.G.W.